Multiple Profiles on Google Chrome

Saloni Bakshi
Nov 7, 2020


If you are using same browser for working on multiple ventures or managing your both personal and professional work, it can be troublesome to keep login and logout from accounts each day. I use Google Chrome for all my work, every morning I had to login with my corporate google account and in evening log in to my personal one to access my personal mails, social network sites and various other apps. Multiple profiles in Google Chrome made things simpler for me.

Multiple profiles feature allows you to keep both profiles and data isolated, you have separate web sessions, history, bookmarks, extensions and settings. You can easily switch between the profiles and start off exactly where you left.

How to create a profile?

  1. Click on circular profile button on the top right corner and click Add
  2. Enter profile name, select profile image and click Add button.

3. There you go, you have a new profile ready!

How to switch to other profile?

Click on the profile image on top right corner and select another profile from dropdown.

How to remove a profile?

  1. Click on the profile image on top right corner and select ‘Settings’ icon in the profiles section
  2. Click on more options icon on profile image and select ‘Remove this person’ option

